After two years moving on the verge of my second year realized that all those years fooling myself out ultimately is not going to work anymore and initiated my first attempt towards success with full of positive energy I put every possible effort to break through but I turned out to be a victim of biasing.With a little bit of disappointment that it carried along I decided not to trespass against but to move on , Intact I couldn't muster the courage to do that but I had to move on.'Success and failure are the two most intimate counterpart of each other but seems to lie at the farthest distance if either of them you are most friendly with.'Shortly I was not feeling well for health problems along with a negative performance in the exams and dumped by my first infatuation was disastrous. All this happened in a short span of time. But life has its own habit of moving on, carried all the resentment along but not so early, by the way, by that time I was used to a many of them. Former and later always want their enemy to follow themselves but both are obstinate. That was not a great deal to be set on the same track but took hardly a day. I, much like many other guys brought many dreams along, today , in the hostel lobby late midnight laying quietly and desperately watching the sky, spare part of my past life all came back standing still penetrating in my eyes lasted throughout the night.
Every jerk given by the circumstances always leaves the scar for the reminiscent but some are unforgettable. Being dumped was the most prominent reason for me to mark her as my first infatuation otherwise she would have been my first love. Couples of more ups and downs now claim that life is the most ever occurred dynamic something which never stops for anyone.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Cruality in lonelyness......

Sittin' behind d solitude among d crowd o' soal mate stars of 2ny8 wid me,Enjoying d music o' wind , Colling was gettin' in2 my nerves makin' me fell better. thou it was sm sort o' addictive stuff tryin' 2 make me oblivious of d fact dat d wall above won't ever allow me 2 come out o' my grave, no matter hw more I crave ...
Far BeYond The Intr!cacy of Th!s Dynam!c WorLd The!r is smtng more dynamic,more intricate n smtng which lie far beyond d capturing power of common mind.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Smtng dat still f@king me upppp.......

it would be totally unfair if i come across ur way n turn towards u by offensively throwing a fist on u...see wat sort a mess i m in. i kno i m nt dat sort of boy bt situation comes out in a way dat
i m unable to hang on. I can still remember d tym wn I was too desperate to throw d agony out o of my lyf.
get d all mess aside, now plz tell me wat should i go for now,I m totally empty today ,wat should i upto now to search d peace o mind back to me.It's still faking me up....
nyway, god says dat d remerdy 4 evry pain is tym bt den wat is d remedy 4 tym. Now I've nobody 2 move along bt tnx 2 god 4 it 'coz I've nobody 2 care abt ........
Thursday, February 11, 2010
self esteem or ego.......
keepin myself far away fm d stunning impediments o mind divertin g god's creature, accepted , i m unable rather unwilling o getting any sort o doz lyf enjoying joys coming fm dem bt insanity o mind dat i've possessed in me might b indirectly a key to destiny .
D bad tym passed as it was bound to bt dignity involved in it was dat it taught me a tng dat never loose urself even after a couple o failure lyk bad tym itself as it is beaten every tym by good tym .
if u can't stand urself in front o severe situation , dan indulge urself in doz activities, which might , in turn , creates un bearable intances dan circumstances will definately make u strong .
keepin myself far away fm d stunning impediments o mind divertin g god's creature, accepted , i m unable rather unwilling o getting any sort o doz lyf enjoying joys coming fm dem bt insanity o mind dat i've possessed in me might b indirectly a key to destiny .
D bad tym passed as it was bound to bt dignity involved in it was dat it taught me a tng dat never loose urself even after a couple o failure lyk bad tym itself as it is beaten every tym by good tym .
if u can't stand urself in front o severe situation , dan indulge urself in doz activities, which might , in turn , creates un bearable intances dan circumstances will definately make u strong .
UnPredict@ble MystEries....
smtng dat startles me by it's amaging vague mysteries n bugs me alot is lyf. A very, simple or very sophisticated or wtever. Almost evrybody tnks n confused wth d deep theory o lyf . A lot o guys u see around is plannin for such a future which exists nowhere which means dat he would get nothing for evrytng he did.
hw easily i puked smtng abt it bt he strived thruout his lyf in d anticipation o success bt he got nothing apart fm d end. Almost avrytng happening around is filled wth such suspect ur sences can't predict abt. Wn d surprising level crosses d limit dat u r unwillin to possess dat u discover dat smthin or @least smtng exists behing all these complexity naming d failure o ur sences as GOD.
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